Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Relative Genetics Biology Question That Has Something To Do With Genetics?

Biology question that has something to do with genetics? - relative genetics

Why do you think that human cultures are laws prohibiting marriage between close relatives?


Frank W said...

recessive genes (presented appear to be particularly harmful in the homozygous state) May in the progeny more often.

contrary to which the purpose of sexual reproduction - mixing up the things!

ted a said...

The idea is to change sextual reporduction. The idea is to create different combinations of alleles, in order to accommodate new features to help the survival of humanity. When relatives are married, their children are not so different from them, and there is not much genetic variation, which, if not married relatives.

Smile_cu... said...

This is to prevent genetic diseases that could carry the recessive family members.

Smile_cu... said...

This is to prevent genetic diseases that could carry the recessive family members.

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