Why are long-term antibiotics no longer as helpful in treating strep throat? - how long does it take to get strep throat after exposure
Hello everyone,
Recently I read an article about the ability of cephalosporins to treat a sore throat and the section reads as follows:
To understand why the older drugs is not so good, you think of the child's neck as a battleground for many types of bacteria vying for dominance. Repeated exposure to penicillin should be amended and amoxicillin in the middle of microbial growth, resulting in a throat full of bacteria that effectively protect the seeds of streptococcal infection, older drugs. At least four types of bacteria that Pichichero called "co-pathogens" become dominant position on the neck of a person who received the drugs frequently. It is the same way as to protect the criminals that have chosen a Mafia Boss: The best helpers are those who have survived several attempts on the life of the head and have learned to stop attacks in the future, provided that the Chief Immunity were against threats that terrible.
I do not really understand what you mean. Can anyone clarify?
Share Assuming you are in this way: you have one billion different bacteria in the throat. Through random mutations, a single bacterium is resistant to an antibiotic. Well, you get a sore throat and an antibiotic, not eliminated-resistant. The bit-resistant bug is still alive, and kill others, chose the new population. But increasingly these bacteria, and many bacteria resistant. Well, the antibiotic that cures for the sore throat, are useless against the new population. I hope that helps.
Well. Sore throat cause throat right?
This bacterium is very weak against drugs called antibiotics, the more effective is the cephalosporin.
The gorge contains many bacteria, once infected, sore throat, a life in harmony with these bacteria. The older drugs do not work, because our repeated exposure) (frequent use of these drugs, bacteria in the throat away from these drugs. In addition to cephalosporins, try this medication in the strep bacteria attack, but the throat is by other bacteria in the throat, which the club as protected.
The simple analogy is presented above in this way. The neck is like the godfather of the Mafia and other bacteria are bats, which protect the head.
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